neprihlásený Piatok, 1. novembra 2024, dnes má meniny Denis, Denisa
Windows 10 bude zadarmo aj pre PC s pirátskym Windows, v Číne

Diskusia k článku: Windows 10 bude zadarmo aj pre PC s pirátskym Windows, v Číne

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Komentár, na ktorý odpovedáte:

But the good news doesn’t stop there, as Microsoft is going all the way and offering free upgrades even to those running unlicensed versions of the OS. You read that right, pirates can upgrade for free to Windows 10.

The news came from none other than Terry Myerson himself, head of the Operating Systems Group inside of Microsoft. Myerson talked about “re-engaging” the hundreds of millions of users in China and elsewhere, who are running pirated versions of Windows.

Vychytal by som FRAZU "Myerson talked about “re-engaging” the hundreds of millions of users in China and elsewhere, who are running pirated versions of Windows."

ELSEWHERE !!!!! to neviem ze kde ELSEWHERE ale ten nadpis na je ako keby len v cine only made in china....




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