neprihlásený Štvrtok, 24. októbra 2024, dnes má meniny Kvetoslava
Na Marse nájdené dôkazy planetárneho podzemného vodného systému

Diskusia k článku: Na Marse nájdené dôkazy planetárneho podzemného vodného systému

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Unfortunately, the believed amount of carbon present at the time of expiration is exactly that: a belief, an assumption, an estimate.

The result is that carbon dating is accurate for only a few thousand years. Anything beyond that is questionable. This fact is born out in how carbon dating results are used by scientists in the scientific literature.

“There has been much debate for several decades among scholars arguing for different chronologies sometimes only decades to a century apart, each with major historical implications. And yet these studies […] may all be inaccurate since they are using the wrong radiocarbon information,” Manning said.




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