neprihlásený Pondelok, 20. mája 2024, dnes má meniny Bernard
Google vyvinul mobil, ktorý automaticky vytvára 3D model okolia

Diskusia k článku: Google vyvinul mobil, ktorý automaticky vytvára 3D model okolia

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Komentár, na ktorý odpovedáte:

A Swedish professor of criminology said that those “I got nothing to hide”-persons do no exist IRL, everyone have something that they want to keep private. Information can also be misinterpreted, a quote from a french politician: “If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang them”.

There are no government or police organization that can protect their data 100% against leakage, and the people working for the government are just like normal people, mostly good, but some evil. Some may abuse the information. The government must be allowed to use surveillance against targeted suspected individuals, but not against the whole population and innocent people, aka. mass surveillance. interview-simon-persson- founder-countermail-secure-email-provider/
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