neprihlásený Piatok, 3. mája 2024, dnes má meniny Galina, Timea
Zomrel tvorca Debianu

Diskusia k článku: Zomrel tvorca Debianu

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Komentár, na ktorý odpovedáte:

sounds like he got durnk
20:46:45 < Salastil> drunk&
20:46:50 < Salastil> started fucking with his neighbors door
20:46:53 < Salastil> who called the cops
20:47:05 < Salastil> and the cops told him to calm down stop fucking around
20:47:20 < Salastil> and he sperged out with white rich guy priviledge and the cops checked that quick
20:47:29 < Salastil> and detained him and then took him to the hospital as a nice favor
20:48:05 < Salastil> then he went home started more shit up then got the cops called a second time and they roughed him up hardcore when cuffing him and made him pay $25k to post bail
and then he whined on twitter and committed suicide

Pretty much. Fagget si to zasluzil




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