neprihlásený Nedeľa, 12. mája 2024, dnes má meniny Pankrác
Sonda prvýkrát preletela atmosférou Slnka

Diskusia k článku: Sonda prvýkrát preletela atmosférou Slnka

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! UTFG !
The Parker Solar Probe is the closest spacecraft to the Sun, and it is able to survive the extreme temperatures due to a thermal shield that is made of carbon-composite material, withstanding up to 2,500-degrees fahrenheit or 1,377-degrees celsius.
This shield cuts into the Sun’s heat similar to a racing car cutting into the air. A racing car cutting through the air makes it easier for the one behind it to accelerate as the wind resistance is lowered. Similarly, the thermal shield pushes the heat away, making a manageable temperature for the probe and its instruments.

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