neprihlásený Nedeľa, 16. júna 2024, dnes má meniny Bianka, Blanka
Smutný stav ochrany súkromia, Avast predáva dáta o browsovaní jeho užívateľov

Diskusia k článku: Smutný stav ochrany súkromia, Avast predáva dáta o browsovaní jeho užívateľov

Prispievajte do diskusií ako prihlásený užívateľ.

Komentár, na ktorý odpovedáte:

Haha. Kaspersky robí to isté. Len pre inú vládu.

Kaspersky Labs does not enjoy the best reputation. The company has been linked to Russian intelligence, the Department of Homeland Security has banned its use in government computers, and Best Buy will not sell its products. In 2017, news broke that the Israelis had observed Russian intelligence operatives using Kaspersky software to spy on the United States. Now, an investigation of the company’s antivirus software has uncovered a major data leak that goes back to 2015.


According to German publication C’t, Kaspersky antivirus injects a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) into the source code of every single website that you visit. This UUID value is unique to the computer and the installation of the software. The value injected into each and every website never changes, even if you use a different browser or access the internet using a browser’s Incognito Mode.




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