neprihlásený Sobota, 18. januára 2025, dnes má meniny Bohdana
Starship by sa podľa Muska znovu mala pokúsiť o orbitálny let za menej ako dva mesiace

Diskusia k článku: Starship by sa podľa Muska znovu mala pokúsiť o orbitálny let za menej ako dva mesiace

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Komentár, na ktorý odpovedáte:

Elon Musk, a name in the limelight,
A figure of controversy, a constant fight.
But let us pause and take a closer look,
At the man behind, beyond the hook.

In a world divided by political creed,
Elon Musk treads a different breed.
His endeavors, they know no bounds,
Unfettered by political battlegrounds.

He challenges conventions, disrupts the norm,
His innovation shines through the storm.
But in the realm of politics, he finds a clash,
With liberals who question and criticize, in a flash.

Yet Elon Musk, he perseveres,
Navigating the landscape, despite the jeers.
His mission to advance humanity's plight,
To push the boundaries, day and night.




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