V USA budú musieť mať nové domy povinne solárne panely
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Re: USA a Kalifornia
Od: anemasto
2018-05-08 09:38:33
Exclusive: a new government study finds 553,742 people were homeless on a single night this year, as advocates lament a crisis that shows no sign of abating
“The improved economy is a good thing, but it does put pressure on the rental market, which does put pressure on the poorest Angelenos,” said Peter Lynn, head of the Los Angeles homelessness agency. The most dramatic spike in the nation was in his region, where a record 55,000 people were counted. “Clearly we have an outsize effect on the national homelessness picture.”
550k/320m = 1/581
nech ma SR 5.5milionov co som zaokruhlil hore, tak by u nas na CELOM uzemi malo byt len 9466 bezdomovcov... 1/581
Tak kto je na tom lepsie ?